Sunday, December 7, 2008

I spit Alcatraz bars.

"The Nino Brown Story reads like a home video, with a personal, uncensored glimpse into Lil Wayne’s life over an extended period of time, with exclusive footage that will never be seen on anything but Streets Talk DVD."

Weezy's documentary is going to be released at Sundance apparently. Should be an interesting look into an interesting rap career.

What I'm really waiting to see is how much time will be spent talking about his Ghost Writers.

I've always wondered what it was like for a guy like Wayne in high school. Did kids look at him like "You're Weeziness!" or "Dude. Stop trying to rhyme about pelicans and pecans." I would be willing to be that while He'd like us to believe the former, it was more like the latter.

Here's the trailer if you want to watch, though it's fairly uninformative. Which is really how I am betting the documentary is. If his unintelligible interviews are any sign, I'm going to have to be as impossibly high as Wayne to understand any of it.


We were just talking about this the other night. Unfortunately, creepy hippies ruin every good plan.

The rest of the pictures. (Slightly NSFW).

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Widmer Brothers Brewing

Since I'm sitting in Rennie's Landing working on a project, I figured a post was in order.

I'm dedicating this to one of my favorite brews; Widmer Hefeweizen. It's still one of the best Hef's I've had, even though it's probably the most popular. Many of the other hefeweizen's I've tasted are too...experimental? BJ's Hef is very nutty with a hint of banana, which while interesting, is not really something I can drink more than a pint of. Rock Bottom Brewery's is closer to the Widmer, with a heavy wheat flavor, but is still to robust for my taste.

Another reason I love Widmer is that it is locally brewed in Portland. The brewery is on Russel, just across the Broadway bridge. I'm thinking a tour in the near future is in order.

Anyway. has a great photostream on flickr dedicated to the local PDX breweries and one album is dedicated to Widmer.'s Flickr

Monday, October 20, 2008


With the constant jumps in technology, we are now able to observe and view more. We can see into atoms and galaxies, analyze cell structures and solar flares.

Nikon's Universcale puts all this in perspective. This system is not only informative, it is also incredibly executed. While the concept is complex and complicated, the explanation and use is simple and clean.

It is also very humbling when you finally scroll down to the size of a human, and you realize how incredibly small we are in comparison with the rest of, well, everything!


Montana Meth Commercials

One of my favorite campaigns of all time is a set of PSA's put out by the Montana Meth Project.

"The Montana Meth Project is a large-scale exercise in prevention, aimed at significantly reducing Meth use in Montana. The integrated program consists of an ongoing, research-based marketing campaign—supported by community outreach and public policy initiatives—that realistically and graphically communicate the risks of methamphetamine to the youth of Montana."

One of my favorite examples:

Monanta Meth Project's website.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Business Cards

Here is one of my favorite entries in the blog. Fubiz is a daily weblog that posts on creativity, graphic design and innovation. The contributors post on a very wide variety of subjects, from photography and advertising to architecture and product design. The trouble is they post in French, and the English translation is a bit...rough.

This post was a list of images of 70 of the worlds most interesting business cards. Here are a few of my favorites, followed by the link for the full list, and a link to the English version of the blog.

This first is for a man named Chad Germann, CEO of Howlfire, a Milwaukee based Ad Agency.

Whitney Shaw's struck me not only for the great illustration, but also for the texture I imagine it would have. The recipient would be able to feel the wolf's fur, further adding to the attractiveness of the art.

My last selection is possibly my favorite. It is an amazing example of function meeting form! As the business card for a graphic designer, the rules on the side struck me as hilarious.

Link to the post.

Link to Fubiz.

Urban Exploration

Urban decay looks even better when it's heavily shopped.

The rest of the Flickr Gallery

Saturday, October 18, 2008

String Theory Explain

This video by Rob Bryanton succinctly explains the 10 spiral dimensions. While it is only a synopsis of the first chapter of the book, "Imagining the 10th Dimension," viewers gain a quick understanding of string theory.

While the content is good, the style of explanation is very unique. It reminds me of the UPS commercials, but with very interesting sound effects. For some reason I really enjoy the sound used when lines are drawn.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Team Palin

Oh Sarah Palin. What would we have to laugh at in this current campaign if not for the possibility (however unlikely) that you might someday have the reigns of our government in your hands?

Here are a few fun links dedicated to the great woman you are.


- Scroll over, and click on things multiple times. My personal favorite is the Tina Fey reference. Try and find it.


- One heartbeat away from being a Pilf.

- And one of the most recent in a string of hilariously funny SNL videos.

Atmosphere - You

Since I'm constantly exploring the dark, dank corners of the web, I figured I'd start showing off things I didn't create but found. Sought out in a quest to find things I'm interested in.

This video isn't necesarily unknown. Atmosphere is the quintessential "underground" rapper. From humble beginnings in the Mini-App, Slug and Ant have created a music movement that is going to very soon move from the underground to the mainstream. Rhymsesayers Entertainment is currently the truest label for conscious rappers trying to make a name for themselves.

In Atmosphere's video for "You," the band puts an interesting spin on perspective. The video has the standard "hiphop" video scenes...turntables, shots of the band, audience members waving their hands...but the majority of the video follows a teck-deck. This obviously puts a fun, cute spin on the video, and in turn the song. It also gives the feeling of cruising down the streets on your board. A lot of current rap revolves around the merge between the hip-hop and skate scenes. Obvious examples of this in the mainstream scene are Lupe Fiasco and N.E.R.D. Pharrel's clothing company "Ice Cream" has its own sponsored skate team!

Anyway. The video.